November 2023 Benefit Trial Results

The Museum BOD would like to thank all the exhibitors who came to play with their dogs on this lovely fall weekend. In addition, we extend a BIG THANK YOU to all the volunteers, judges and board members who made this trial a success. It takes a village to put on a trial, we couldn’t do it without you all.  Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

The trial results are listed below and also under the Trial tab:

Trial Results Nov 4, 2023

Trial Results Nov 5, 2023

Fall Benefit Trial – November 4 & 5, 2023

The Fall Benefit Trial is November 4th & 5th. The trial flyer and entry forms are posted on the Trial page of the website.  There will be a catered dinner on Saturday night, the menu and cost is listed in the trial flyer.

For those that have colored terriers in addition to Jack Russells, we have a colored terrier conformation class also.

The trial is at the Fraternal Order of Eagles in Littlestown, PA.

Come join us for some terrier fun.

June 2023 Benefit Trial

The Benefit Trial is June 24th & 25th this year. The trial flyer and entry forms are posted on the Trials page. We have added 2 new events this year, Rally I & II and Jumpers & Agility Games.

The Museum BOD has decided to do a 2nd trial, November 4th and 5th, so mark your calendars and save the date!

Museum News Update – 4/1/2022

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the Homestead Project. As of March 2022, we have $32,278.64 in the Homestead Fund.

We are in the process of cataloging our library books and materials, so we can apply for a grants to expand our Museum/Library.

The trial committee has been hard at work planning for the June 11 & 12 trial. The trial flyer is posted under the Trial page. We are selling 50/50 raffle tickets and the drawing will be held on June 12th at the trial,  you don’t need to be present to win. Tickets can be purchased at the trial, or in advance, by contacting the JRT Museum office at 410-560-9958 or a Museum BOD member. Tickets are $10 each or 11 for $100. There will be 2 winners, 1st place gets 40% of the total sales, 2nd place gets 10%. There is a maximum of 300 tickets to be sold. We look forward to seeing everyone in June!

Trial News 2022

  • The 2022 June 11/12 Trial information is posted under the Trial Tab. Hope to see you there! If you can not attend you can still sponsor a class. The sponsor form is included in the trial flyer.
  • We are planning a second trial November 5/6 2022. It will be held at the Littlestown, Pa location. The conformation judges are Brent Hopkins and Doug Tack. Mark your calendars!

PeachSkin Sheet Fundraiser Update

The promotion with PeachSkin Sheets was a huge success. We raised $1340 for the Homestead Project. We have received great feedback from folks that have purchased the sheets, they love them. A big thank you to everyone that bought sheets and to PeachSkin Sheets for partnering with us for this event.